TRTR: FMV + dialogy
TOMB RAIDER: The Resurrection
FMV + dialogy
Videa níže prozrazují děj, takže pokud se nechcete připravit o překvapení, pusťte si videa až po odehrání hry!
FMV 1 - Intro
Lara vypráví, jak dopadlo přepadení a co se chystá dělat. Prozradí vám, že se chystá jít pro Anubisovu pečeť do Egypta, konkrétně do Sakkáry.
Pozn. autora: Tato ukázka je hned první věc, kterou uvidíte, zmáčknete-li "New game".
Lara: "It was morning after the Ambush by Bartoli's men. Nobody survived and the Dagger of Xian was saved.... My heart need another adventure. My interest is in Anubis's Seal in Saqqara in Egypt... This must hurt... I think that it is time for the next adventure." |
FMV 2 - Získání Anubisovi pečetě a únos
V této ukázce Lara najde pečeť a odejde z chrámu, nicméně na ní někdo čeká... Někdo, kdo ji nenechá jen tak odejít.
Pozn. autora: Tato ukázka vás čeká když vlezete do průlezu po odstranění bodnů na konci levelu Anubeion.
Man in the phone: "Done?" |
Kidnapper: "Yes sir. I got her." |
Man in the phone: "Perfect. Bring her here." |
FMV 3 - Získání teplejšího oblečení
Jelikož Laru z Egypta unesli a vůbec se nepomysleli na to, že by Laře mohla být zima, musela si Lara oblečení sehnat po svém...
Pozn. autora: Tato ukázka se spustí, když v levelu Cold Prison vylezete zprůlezu, který se skrývá za hlídačem u vašeho původního vězení.
Lara: "Sorry about that..." |
Lara: "Thanks." |
FMV 4 - Rozhovor s egyptologem
V této ukázce se dozvíte většinu příběhu, proč jste tam, kde jste, kam musíte jít a co kde udělat. Zjistíte také, co mají FOA zalubem.
Pozn. autora: Tuto ukázku uvidíte na konci levelu FOA's Hideout, když se z plna hrdla rozběhnete za ležícím chlápkem v červené bundě s C4 ve vašem inventáři.
Egyptologist: "If you are trying to kill me, get in the line." |
Lara: "Who are you... and why do they keep you here?" |
Egyptologist: "Can I trust you? You look like them." |
Lara: "One of them was so kind he lent me his clothes. Trust me I want to help you." |
Egyptologist: "Fair enough. I am egyptologist and my name... is not important. My greatest interest is in god Anubis and his divine artifacts." |
Lara: "That is probably the reason why they keep you here. I could not miss all theese pictures of Anubis. I found Seal of Anubis in Saqquara but they stole it from me." |
Egyptologist: "You found that seal? And they stole it from you? Then we've got a problem." |
Lara: "Tell me, please, what is going on around here? I don't remember such a cold in Egypt..." |
Egyptologist: "We are in Alaska. Those who kidnaped us are Followers of Anubis. They are fanatics. They want to summon him and serve him. They are even building a temple here. Because of information about his summoning, I was tortured and I told them about the seal. It is the key to the realm of Osiris - I mean the Underworld - and one of the three symbols of Anubis that he left on this world. There is a legend about his visit on Earth long time ago. He left here his Ankh of Life, the Scepter of Death and his Seal. The Seal opens the gate to the underwold through which Anubis will come to get his long lost items. The Ankh has healing powers, the Scepter has the opposite effect. If Anubis gets all theese items he will go back to the underworld and seal the portal forever. Fortunately the Followers do not know that... so we still have a hope. But we must hurry because they are already searching for Anubis's temple in Hardai in Egypt where the gate to the underworld is located. |
Lara: "Do you have any idea where I can find the two remaining artifacts?" |
Egyptologist: "My colleague found the Ankh of Life. He called me a month ago that he is on his way to Indonesia but he sounded differently. He bubbled something about civilizing the canibals on local islands." |
Lara: "I hope he will cooperate. What about the Scepter?" |
Egyptologist: "I read a report about a ship which was carrying a cargo of artifacts from Egypt in 80's. The Scepter was also on board. Her name was Karin Vatis and she sank in the Indian ocean. I have already sent my colleague to find her. I will get you a locator once we get out of here." |
Lara: "Allright then. Let's go." |
FMV 5 - Bouchnutí do gongu - přivolání vesničanů
Lara pouze bouchne paličkou do gongu a tak přivolá vesničany, aby se dostala do jedné z chatek.
Pozn. autora: V levelu Carnivorous Island když sebere ve vosím hnízdě paličku "The Gong Mallet", tak jakmile znovu půjdete ke gongu ve vedlejší vesnici (přes skalní útesku), tak Lara zahraje na gong. Ke gongu přistupujte zepředu nicméně jděte zleva.
FMV 6 - Setkání s vědcem v Indonésii
Egyptolog mluvil o svém kolegovi, že se usadil v Indonésii s cílem něco tam dokázat, ale zdálo se mu to divné... Tak toto je onen vědec, který ilegálně působí v tamějším domorodém kmeně. Má u sebe Anubisův Ankh, který Lara potřebuje. Říkám vám rovnou, že to nepůjde s tímto vědcem po dobrém... je to totiž boss Indonésie.
Pozn. autora: Fmv se spustí po tom, co sjedete šikminu do místnosti s vědcem na trůně a čtyřmi se před ním modlícími domorodci.
Scientist: "You are not allowed to be here..." |
Lara: "But the door was open. Aren't you the one with the Ankh? The researcher?" |
Scientist: "Who told you about me?" |
Lara: "That is not important. What are you trying to achieve here?" |
Scientist: "The Ankh. It has healing powers. It can cure everything, every disease, every illnes. Imagine the world without meaningless deaths of the innocent." |
Lara: "Same question. What are you trying to achieve here?" |
Scientist: "I am trying to find the ultimate cure. There is no state in the world that would allow me to do theese kind of experiments." |
Lara: "Sometimes there is a reason for theese kind of laws. This is twisted. Give it to me and I will not harm you. I am in hurry." |
Scientist: "What? You don't understand. Look at theese people. They think I am some kind of God. Once I find the cure, everybody will know me as a savior!" |
Lara: "You cannot change the order of the world. If there is a life, there also must be a death. Give it to me." |
Scientist: "Death. You know. The Ankh grants me other powers as well. If you so desire to see death, I can make your wish!" |
FMV 7 - Ve vrtulníku, rozhovor s velitelem lodi Elis
V této ukázce Lara letí vrtulníkem. Uvidíte Laru sedící v kokpitu, jak řídí vrtulník a vede přistávací rozhovor s lodí Elis - tedy s jejím velitelem (přítel egyptologa).
Pozn. autora: Tato FMV se spustí na konci levelu Meeting the Scientist v Indonésii, když utečete dveřmi, které se otevřeli po zabití bosse.
Lara: "Lara Croft to Elis. I want to ask for permission to land." |
Leader of the Ship: "This is Elis. Permission granted. Welcome aboard." |
Lara: "Thank you. I will be there in five." |
Leader of the Ship: "Rodger. I hear some strange noises... Elis out." |
Lara: "I feel danger..." |
FMV 8 - Rozhovor s přeživším na lodi Elis
Tento muž přežil hrozivý útok zabijáků z FOA. Řekne Laře informace o získávání Anubisova žezla, které Lara potřebuje stejně tak, jako Ankh, který již v tuto chvíli má. Dá vám klíč od zbrojnice.
Pozn. autora: Přeživší se skrývá v jedné z kajut lodi za jídelnou. Ukázka se spustí jakmile vejdete do kajuty.
Survivor: "Thank God. I am not alone here..." |
Lara: "It is a miracle that you survived... I am a friend of a man who friends with a man who owns this ship." |
Survivor: "Simple enough." |
Lara: "I am here for the Scepter of Anubis." |
Survivor: "We don't have it yet. We could not dive for it. They attacked us and killed everyone. It was terrible." |
Lara: "I am sorry. In that case I will have to look underwater myself. Where can I find some wetsuit?" |
Survivor: "Just around a corner." |
Survivor: "You need to find three keys to the diving room, through which you can leave this ship. There is also a underwater scooter." |
Lara: "Don't you know where the keys are?" |
Survivor: "I am just a mechanic. Nothing more. I have no idea where the keys could be. But i have different key from the armory. It could be useful for you." |
Lara: "Thanks. Stay here I will take care of them." |
FMV 9 - V místnosti s cenným nákladem
Lara se v této lodi snaží najít Anubisovo žezlo. Zaměří se na bendu s názvem "Top secret", jenže... přišla pozdě. Žezlo už je pryč.
Pozn. autora: Ukázka se spustí, jakmile vejdete do místnosti s cenným nákladem.
Lara: "It's impossible... I am late.... Now, let's go to Hardai." |
FMV 10 - Setkání s vedoucím FOA
Lara jde chodbou a najednou uzří dole ve velké hale něco neobvyklého... Uvidí Anubise a před ním stojí muž. On se chvíli modlí u svého boha a pak odejde pryč z místnosti. Lara ho sleduje. Muž mezitím odejte do jiné mísnosti. Když je vhodná chvíle, skočí Lara z balkónu za ním. Dojde jí, že má tu čest s vedoucím celé jejich organizace.
Pozn. autora: Ukázka se spustí na konci levelu Hall of Truths, když si otevřete cestu od spousty mumií. Po ukázce následuje hned hlavní "boss fight".
Leader of FOA: "I will have to discuss security in our hideout in Alaska." |
Lara: "It won't be necessary. Now you don't need anything." |
Leader of FOA: "That is not etirely true. I have got this scepter which I will show you soon. But I could also use the Ankh you have. I heard it has a great powers..." |
Lara: "Why do you go after me anyway? What have I done to you?" |
Leader of FOA: "To me? Nothing. But the guy who supplies and funds us doesn't like your existence and that is all I care about. Without him we wouldn't achieve anything we have done." |
Lara: "And who is this mysterious man?" |
Leader of FOA: "No need to introduce him to you now. He will reveal himself when the time is right." |
Lara: "Give me the Scepter and I will go to find him." |
Leader of FOA: "Over my dead body." |
Lara: "Your wish is my command..." |
FMV 11 - Odhalení
Lara pošle Anubise zpátky tam, odkud přišel. V tom se jí ale někdo zjeví...
Pozn. autora: Ukázka se spustí při přiblížení se Anubisovi v levelu The Great Return. Je to konec celé hry. Fabio mluví opravdu vtipně... hodně jsme se přitom nasmáli :D
Fabio: "You shouldn't have done that..." |
Lara: "It was right. What's your name?" |
Fabio: "I am Fabio. You may don't know me. Eros handled you before we met. I am here to save Marco's life." |
Lara: "Marco?" |
Fabio: "Yes, Marco Bartoli." |
Lara: "What about the Followers? Why you drag them into this?" |
Fabio: "Just for information... Marco will be resurrected, I promise! Lucio, Marcello... clean this place." |
Lucio: "Si!" |
FMV 12 - Závěrečné titulky