Test: Kdopak to mluví?
Tak mám takový pocit, že už jsem vás dlouho z ničeho nevyzkoušela. Co si dát takový malý testík? Předhodím vám nyní deset úryvků z konverzací, které byly v různých Tomb Raiderech vedeny, a vaším úkolem bude určit, kdo mluví, s kým, v kterém dílu a kde...
/?/: What's a man got to do to get that kinda attention from ya?
/?/: It's hard to say, exactly, but you seem to be doing fine.
/?/: Pardon me if that was just your way of trying the doors for me.
/?/: [laughs] With a tommy gun on my keyring.
/?/: To late for abortions now.
/?/: Not without the heart of the operation.
/?/: Nothing. I... I led righteous life, here for reasons rooted only a necessary evil, as my father was before me when he bombed Gianni's vessel deep into these waters. And now I am here...uh, was here, to prevent his son from salvaging the Seraph.
/?/: The Seraph?
/?/: And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients. The first foot falls in this tomb for centuries.
/?/: This place gives me the creeps. After you.
/?/: Well, my books. You see, with your lifestyle, you'd be the perfect campaign for my products. Just think, you wouldn't be needing those unsightly weapons anymore...
/?/: No, but I'll probably have an unsightly face, judging by your past experiments.
/?/: That information is very dangerous.
/?/: I'm a dangerous girl, and right now I'm losing patience!
/?/: Isn't she beautiful? I'm falling in love all over again.
/?/: You say that to all the ruins.
/?/: You were kicked in the head by a horse, oui? So the brain doesn't work correctly...
/?/: How'd you know about that?
/?/: Why didn't you ever tell us this was down here.
/?/: Hell, I wish I still didn't know. Ya know what? I will wait here.
/?/: I did warn you that playing your music so loud could wake the dead.
1 - Larson, Lara, TR1, Kalkata
2 - Lara, hlídač Fiamma Nera, TR2, Velká čínská zeď
3 - Natla, Lara, TR1, Atlantida
4 - bratr Chan Barkhang, Lara, TR2, námořní plošina
5 - Werner Von Croy, Lara, TR4, Angor Wat
6 - Sophie Leigh, Lara, TR3, Londýn
7 - Pierre, Lara, TR6, Café Metro - Paříž
8 - Lara, Zip, TR7, Bolívie
9 - Pierre, Larson, TR5, Řím
10 - Alister, Zip, Lara, TR8, Croft Manor